Ageing well in work
Ageing Well in Work is a European Commission funded project that aims to ensure older people realise the health benefits of remaining active in later life through employment, volunteering and other forms of civic participation.
We are a returning client. We commissioned Iprogress to create a bespoke website for the Ageing Well in Work project. Iprogress worked with us to meet our brief and provided guidance to help us achieve our vision. They developed a striking home page, which complemented other project media.

Greater Manchester Public Health Network
The Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership is made up of 37 N.H.S. organisations and councils in the Manchester city region. ThisĀ is overseeing devolution and taking charge of the health and social care budget.
G.M.P.H.N. is governed by the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Strategic Partnership Board. It comprises of the 37 local authority and NHS organisations in Greater Manchester, plus representatives from primary care, NHS England, the community and voluntary sectors, Healthwatch, Greater Manchester Police and the Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service. It also supports the 10 Greater Manchester Directors of Public Health to deliver the greatest and fastest possible improvement to the health and wellbeing of the 2.8m people of the city region.
They created a well-designed website, which is easy to navigate. It is the perfect portal to our project and enables us to reach out to a wide audience in and beyond the UK